What is your name in game? Spark
What is your Steam-64Bit ID? 76561198979503521
What is your Discord ID Spark_ih8lol
Why do you want to join ION I pride myself on my rp ability when necessary, but I thrive in servers and this game in PvP and running majors or pushing them. It’s the most fun experience on servers for me.
Is there anything in particular you would want to do/achieve in ION Possibly a leadership roll. But also just to help give good experiences to whichever side needs help. Nothing is more frustrating than not having enough people to defend and objective or to attack and take over.
Do you have any questions about the faction, that you would liked answered during the recruitment process? None that come to mind
Do you have any experience within an OPFOR/BLUFOR Faction? Played ctrg for anzus