NHS Command
What is your Steam-64Bit ID? 76561198116453222
How old are you? 22
Do you have any previous NHS experience? (if not use N/A) CST & Lead S&R on Old Reborn
Why do you want to join? I want to join the medics because I feel I can bring a lot of leadership skills to this role. I have plenty of experience on the Altis life game mode having played since 2014 with thousands of hours spent on servers such as Reborn. I am a confident, team player who will make sure that the faction is ran well and will make sure that everyone is involved. I have plenty of time to play to can keep up to date with what is happening in game. I am also experienced in documents, whitelisting and the general day to day running of a faction
What is your long term goals on the server? CMO and more playtime
Have you ever been banned from the server? No
Have you read the NLG Community Rules? Yes
Have you read the NHS Handbook? Yes