Lenny Smith
What is your Steam-64Bit ID? 76561198133453227
How old are you? 21
Do you have any previous NHS experience? (if not use N/A) Worked up to CST + CMO been in every unit and ranking position possible
Why do you want to join? Id like to join the NHS as its always something I've enjoyed doing previously, i am keen to get CMO and achieve the best possible outcome for the faction. I believe my qualities would benefit the NHS greatly and this is why I wish to make a return and help run the faction with Documents, handbooks, training and much more. I enjoy a lot of ingame time and think being part of the NHS is the best way to start.
What is your long term goals on the server? CMO
Have you ever been banned from the server? No
Have you read the NLG Community Rules? Yes
Have you read the NHS Handbook? Yes